28 May 2012

Pond Update - Bronson Lives On!

Heron Landing on The Grand Canal, Dublin

Yes, Charles Bronson survived the massacre! A couple of days ago I saw his gnarled form swimming with his younger, orange-ier friends. What a relief.

Unfortunately the level of water continues its slow descent. The last time I posted on this I was wondering how a heron (the most likely culprit) could pierce the strong butyl liner with its beak, but my friend, Carole, made the point that herons have sharp claws, which I hadn’t considered.

Btw, have you seen the size of a heron's foot? Monster claws. Wouldn't discount an errant talon poking a hole in the pond liner.

And as evidence she supplied these amazing photographs:

heron's foot

Carole lives in a lovely part of Dublin near The Grand Canal (think Didsbury with an Edinburgh twist), where she befriends ducks, rescues swans, and eyeballs herons.